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What is the market price of 5059 aluminum plate manufacturers? What are the influencing factors
The commonly sold 5-series aluminum alloys in the market include 5052 aluminum plate, 5083 aluminum plate, 5086 aluminum plate, and 5754 aluminum plate. However, few people know about 5059 aluminum plate. As a 5-series titanium magnesium aluminum alloy plate, 5059 aluminum plate has high plastic deformation and corrosion resistance, improved production and processing formability, and is widely used in ships, oil tankers, and other aspects. There are also many manufacturers producing and manufacturing 5059 aluminum plates in the sales market. What is the selling price of 5059 aluminum plate manufacturers? Let us take a look below.
What is the market price of 5059 aluminum plate manufacturer? What are the influencing factors?
5059 aluminum plate is used in various industries such as oil tank trucks and ships. The main parameters and characteristics required by customers are different, and the price situation of different aluminum plate manufacturers is different. There are various factors that can harm the price of 5059 aluminum plate. After a detailed understanding, it is not easy to be dumb when purchasing 5059 aluminum plate manufacturers and choose suitable products. The key elements of the price composition of 5059 aluminum plate are the price of aluminum ingots and processing costs.
1. The price of aluminum ingots in the sales market. In terms of the price of Xiangjiang aluminum ingots in the sales market, there is a certain level of fluctuation in the daily price of Xiangjiang aluminum ingots. Different aluminum ingot prices pose a threat to the price, and aluminum ingot prices can be retrieved based on online platforms.
2. The specifications and models of aluminum plates pose a threat to processing costs. The 5059 aluminum plate products with different thicknesses have different investment in raw materials and production processes, and the cost is different. Of course, the prices are also different.