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Application of Aluminum Plate in Home Decoration Flooring
Everyone knows that the proportion of cold air is relatively high, and it will sink to the ground. The cooling capacity of the air conditioner is easily absorbed when encountering cement floor tiles, while the dry floor heating module is equivalent to an insulation layer on the ground. The cooling capacity of the air conditioner is not absorbed when encountering dry floor heating modules, which hinders the absorption of cooling capacity by cement, greatly improving the utilization rate of cooling capacity, reducing the loss of cooling air in summer air conditioning, and making the air conditioner more energy-efficient and energy-efficient! The energy-saving ratio refers to the loss of 30%% u7684 data in downward heat transfer.
So the thermal insulation of dry floor heating modules makes summer air conditioning more comfortable and energy-efficient. This is particularly suitable for broad homeowners with rigid demand air conditioning or central air conditioning! The results of differentiated underfloor heating experience rooms are also the same. The air conditioning of dry floor heating rooms will be more comfortable and cool in summer!
To truly understand this, if we can lower the load of 20%% u7684 air conditioning, the cost-effectiveness of the central air conditioning system will naturally improve. In short: Help homeowners save 20%% u7A7A initial investment and add an energy-saving floor heating and hot water system! shooting two birds with one stone! This is the beauty of using aluminum panel dry floor heating modules for homes!
The aluminum plate dry floor heating module is not only an efficient heat dissipation end for winter floor heating, but also a good insulation end for summer air conditioning!